Saturday, December 25, 2010

What I got for Christmas this year

So here's the grand list of all the things I got for Christmas this year (clearly the best part of Christmas) . . .

Everlast punching pad

Borders gift card: $25

2 Joann gift cards: $30 and $20

Inkheart Trilogy

Tilly's gift card: $40

Merona textured black tights

Covergirl "Eye enhancers" aka eye shadow

Skien of brown cotton Ease yarn

S'mores The Card Game

Black and grey striped knee socks

Milk Chocolate orange

$25 dollars in cash

Movie gift certificate

Covergirl mascara

Sony green earbuds

5 see's candy suckers

3 Hershey's chocolate nuggets

Grandma underware *slaps forehead*

Pink bra

And lastly, lots of FOOD!!!!!!!!!

Cool video time, and I'm out for today. I'm going to see these guys in March oh yeah!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I recently had my seventeenth birthday. When I can look back ten years into the past, and remember it, that is a sure sign that I’m getting old. In fact I remember very clearly when I was seven and we moved into an apartment and I was so happy about living in a house with stairs in it. Yeah, it doesn’t take much to entertain little kids.

One of the things I’ve learned in my seventeen years of living is that people love nicknames. The human race has an obsession with not calling each other by our real names. We shorten them, lengthen them, reconstruct them, or just plain change them to our liking. For example, my name is Selena. Some of the nicknames I’ve acquired over the years are Dunkers (never EVER call me this), Sally, Selenie, So-so, and my favorite, Sel. Sometimes, I would just like to be called by my actual name once in a while. I really like my name alright?

Another thing: I’m seventeen now, don’t you think that I’ve earned my way out of being called kid? I mean p-aaaaa-leezzz It’s getting old to have people say, “Hey, kid,” or “Kiddo”. Kiddo is such an odd word. See say it, kiddo kiddo kiddo kiddo. It’s just weird.

I don’t like being called kid; however I love when people call me girl. It just makes me smile when someone says, “Hey, girl!”, and if they too are female, I like to be all like, “Hey, girl! What’s happening?” Or when Jess (there I go with the nicknames), the sound guy at our church, gives me a hug on Sunday morning and says “hey girl”, I really like it.

Back to the whole nickname thing, I’m just as guilty as everyone else at giving them. I like to give people nicknames that end in and “eeee” sound, like Joshy or Davey or Gengy or macaroni. I don’t do it all the time, but if I really like someone I might refer to them by one of these “eeee” names, depending on the kind of relationship we have.

If you want me to give you a special nickname, comment your name underneath this blog, and I’ll post my own Selenie name for you, for the low price of only twelve payments of the low price of $10.99 only!!!!!!!!!!

To end this blog, here's a cool video, cause putting cool videos on my blog makes me look cool, and I don't plug many bands other than Skillet, but I should. So here you are . . .

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Rock and Worship Road Show has betrayed us

Alright, so most of you may have heard of The Rock and Worship Road Show. It's a really cheap series of concerts featuring MercyMe and many other big bands in Christian music. I've been twice, and it's really awesome, especially when your dad doesn't believe in spending money to see a band in concert. it's just about the only concert I'm guaranteed to go to every year.

Long story short, I thought they would always come to my neigbor city of Fresno, because MercyMe loved us, and for good reason too. WE ROCKED THEM! They didn't rock us. I bet we are the best crowd in the whole tour. Bart Millard of MercyMe said so himself the first year I went . . .

You with me so far? In a sentence, the Road Show owes us for being the awesomest crowd on the tour. Why should I care you ask? Well, I just found out that the Road Show WILL NOT me coming to Fresno this year!!!!!! And right when I was getting super worked up about seeing Thousand foot Krutch in concert for the first time.

Honestly, I'm sad. Almost as sad as I was when I thought that I wasn't going to go to my first Skillet concert (I went after all in case you were wondering). How could they do this to us? How could they completely bypass the city that made the tour?

I'm sad, very sad. I hope that all the rest of the people of Fresno are just as upset as I am, and I hope they let the bands know. Who knows? Maybe we can change their minds through some crazy internet thing. It has happened before.

The band I won't be seeing ='(
Thousand Foot Krutch

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What my life would look like without Jesus

My mom and I were talking last night, and I posed a question that we both shuddered at. Where would we be without Jesus? We dropped the subject pretty fast (for obvious reasons), but later that night and the next day, I couldn’t help thinking about it. Where would I be? How different would I be?

I would never have met most of my closest friends, since I met most of them in church. I would have never even tried to play the piano, and even if I had I wouldn’t have stuck with it. I would have never heard about Skillet (that alone makes me shudder). In the absence of these things there would most likely be violence. I don’t like to admit it sometimes, but I’m a violent person. I would probably be a pregnant teenager in jail for multiple accounts of murder without Jesus. That is, if I was even still alive at all.

Think about it. Where would you be right now if God hadn’t saved you from yourself?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In the words of my good friend Wenz: Must Everything Have a Title?

I want to have a band when I’m older. Everybody knows that. I’d say I’m well on my way to having one too, with my skills on the keyboard and my natural attraction to other people who play music. I have everything planned out: what the bus will look like, what cities we’ll go to, the onstage intro, everything. But one thing I don’t have, arguably the most important thing of all, is my band’s name.

I’ve played around with lots of names, but none of them seem to stick. I get tired of one, and move on to another. I think one is not right for the style of music I’m playing at the time, so I change it to something else. I just can’t decide on a permanent name. And it’s not like you can just change the name once you’re band is up and running. The name you pick is the one you’ll have forever. It’s like picking a second name for yourself.

The first long term name I had was “Counterfeit Humans”, but I thought after a while that this name was not cool. It was supposed to be a reference to that verse in Genesis that says we are all made in God’s image, so we’re sort of like counterfeits. I don’t know, I thought it was cool back then I guess.

The second name that I had for a while was “Repeat”. This name came from me panicking one night because I had disqualified “Counterfeit Humans” as an eligible band name, and therefore didn’t even have a temporary name to call my band. (Notice, I’m panicking over a band that doesn’t exist beyond the walls of my house, and consists of only one band member . . . me.) My mom and I were reading off random words we found around the house for my band name like “Toaster” and “August” and so forth. Then I saw the word “Repeat” on my mom’s stereo and I knew that would have to be it.

I recently started writing a lot of music again, and “Repeat” doesn’t do it for me anymore. I like the band name “Mild Narcotic Effect” because it’s awesome for one, and also because it can be abbreviated to MNE. Plus it can be a good band name if I decide to change my sound from electronic, like I’m doing now, to rock, like I eventually want to do. This name came out of a podcast I listen to where the hosts were joking around about how this would be a good band name. And I was like, “Well, why shouldn’t it be, darn it!” and I made it my own band name, for now at least. The meaning behind it doesn’t have to be anything if I don’t want it to be, but for the sake of the press, I better come up with a meaning and soon.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Inside the Music (Another Poem)

It’s like you’re in another place
Between reality and somewhere else
Sometimes it’s filled with love and grace
And other times it’s completely heartless

It changes with the instrument
The place you go to
Electric guitars are like a raging firmament
While piano is like a waterfall you go through

Some songs connect
They touch your deepest parts
Other songs reflect
The hurt in millions of hearts

The greatest of songs almost physically hurt
You close your eyes and bear the pain
But it’s no use, it only gets worse
The melodies on your mind will always remain

Blog Reform

My blog desperately needs some help. I love my blog to death, as most of you know, since I talk about it all the time and I get so excited when stats show that I’ve had a visitor in the last week. But I’m starting to think that my blog isn’t all that great. Sure, it’s pretty to look at, and you can really see my personality shining through each one of my blogs. But I want people to not just read my blog one time and never come back again. I want people to read and get something out of what I’m saying. I want people to be so impressed with what I have to say that they’ll come back for more. That’s how a real writer would do it.

So from now on, I promise you, the reader, that each and every blog I write will have thought put into it. (I mean did you see my Zelda blog? That was horrible.) There will be no more of this, “Oh my goodness, I need to blog about that one piece of information I have”. I will no longer wait until I have the “New Blog Post” page open to come up with a topic (you’d be surprised at how often I do that). Nope, now I will write blogs on my non-internet computer in my room, with the lights off and music blasting, so I can really think about the content and meaning of each and every word.

To help out this Blog Reform, I’ve decided to do a little study on the book of Acts. I’ve been studying the bible my whole life, but I just recently began to grasp the full meaning of things in there. I have been inspired to not only read the words, but to dig a little deeper and fully understand what God’s been trying to teach me. This has been a lot easier with my awesome curriculum, which I will use quite often in my blogs. This study is in the works, so please be patient. It should be up soon.

Don’t worry, all you people who come to my blog to laugh at the goofy things I say. Those blogs are not leaving by any means. They will just be longer and hopefully funnier, spread across the not so funny blogs. I’m sure I will not be able to help myself from being funny even in the more serious blogs. It’ll be like candy: you only get a little bit, because too much of a good thing is bad for you. Or something...

In closing, I just want to say thanks for coming. Truly . . . thanks. I’m sorry for not being as good as I can be on here, but trust me, that is all going to change.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wage es nicht geben diese in Google Übersetzer

Wenn Sie dies lesen können, du bist mein neuer bester Freund. Wenn Sie diese einfach in Google Übersetzer eingegeben, Verbot ich euch jemals kommen zu meinem Blog wieder. Also, wie geht es dir? Oh mein Gott, Skillet in deutscher Sprache ist so cool, nicht wahr? Ich, dass Band so viel Liebe, sie bekommen nur Kühler jeden Tag.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ten Things You Can Do with a Hair Dryer

1. Dry your clothes

2. Sweep the floor

3. Warm yourself on a cold day

4. Blast aliens (come on, they don't know it's only a hair dryer)

5. Puff up your shirt, and pretend you're super fat

6. Dry nail polish in half the time

7. Torture small bugs

8. Make your mouth so dry your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth

9. Knock over small LEGO buildings

10. And, of course, dry your hair

Sunday, September 19, 2010


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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Concerts and Sneezes

Do you know why people say "Bless you" after you sneeze? Because it's been told that when you sneeze, your body lets in demons, so you say "Bless you" to make them go away. The second reason we say it is because your heart stops beating when you sneeze, shaving one minute off your life. I proved this wrong myself when I got my wisdom teeth out. I was hooked up to the heart monitor thing, and I sneezed, and nothing happened. So there, all you people who believe in the bless-you-after-you-sneeze thing! I still say it because it's polite, but for some reason I end up saying "blesh you".

Last night I had my first real concert. I had been practicing for months, and to my surprise, I had only a brief moment of nervousness on the way there. When we got there we set up in a parking lot in the middle of the city. A band from San Jose was supposed to go one before our band, but they showed up and hour late. This was OK though, because for some reason the on-stage monitors weren't working. And when you have a band of eight people spread out over a fifteen by ten foot space outside, you can't not have monitors. So me and my good friend KT decided to go have some hotdogs and chili. Yup, food is the best part of any event.

So anyway, the sound people finally got the monitors working, San Jose finally got there, and we started an awesome night of worship. After San Jose, our band was up.

We consisted of:

Toni: our worship leader, singing and playing acoustic guitar

KT: singing

PJ: our pastor, singing and playing Santanas on electric guitar

Me (sckpanhead): playing keyboards

Tim: bass

Pastor Al: percussion

Um, I never met him so I don't know his name: congas

Jim: drums and former drummer for The Crucified

We got there a little after five and left a little after ten, but I haven't had that much fun since Wenz' birthday party, so it was worth it. Can't wait to do it again!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Phineas and Ferb

Over the month of July, my family stayed at my grandparent’s house, where we get to watch as much TV as we want. When you don’t have a TV at home (or when the only TV in your house belongs to your grandma and her Spanish novellas) and you suddenly get a TV in your room, you quickly become addicted to the glowing box that makes sounds. Plus, there’s apparently this new thing called HD, which stands for high definition, which makes anything on TV so clear, it’s like you can touch it. Plus TV screens are like, flat.

Anyway, my sister, brother and I mostly watched Disney channel, and that’s how I discovered my new favorite show of all time. The show is called Phineas and Ferb, and it’s awesome. I think it’s supposed to be a kid’s show, but who cares? I love it. The show is a cartoon about these two brothers who have a whole summer to waste on creating inventions that make life easier, or that add some fun and excitement to their boring backyard. And lucky enough for me, I have a whole summer to waste on their show.

Phineas is the younger brother, who comes up with all the ideas and has a triangle head, for some reason. Ferb is the older brother who doesn’t say much, and when he does he always has something really intelligent to say. He also has an English accent which is just awesome.

The boys have a teenage sister named Candace who is bent on busting them in between dates with her boyfriend Jeremy. But right before she gets her mom to come see what crazy thing the boys have built, it always disappears. The boys have many friends, including Baljeet, Buford, and Isabella. Isabella is the leader of a Fireside Girls troop, which is very similar to the girl scouts. She has a crush on Phineas, and is always dragging her troop along to his house to see what he’s doing. Baljeet is Indian, and he’s a nerd who knows everything about everything. Buford is the neighborhood bully who is always picking on Baljeet.

Phineas and Ferb have a pet platypus named Perry who is unknowingly to the boys, also a secret agent. He always disappears toward the beginning of the show to see what the evil villain Dr. Doofinsmirtz is scheming. Doofinsmirtz also invents stuff, but of course, it’s always evil and is meant to somehow help is plot to rule the entire Tri-state area! Parry defeats him before he can succeed. Doofinsmirtz has a teenage daughter who is somewhat Goth. Ferb has a crush on her, and is always looking for ways to impress her with his and Phineas’ inventions.

That’s just a summery of the show, but I highly recommend you go watch it for yourself. I am a huge fan of Ferb. I love how he’s expressionless until something exciting happens, how he wears his pants really high, and his accent is adorable. Not to mention how smart he is when he does talk. If I was a cartoon girl, I would totally have a crush on Ferb.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm Back

The title says it all. I am officially back to the wild world of internet after taking a, um, how shall I say, "forced", break. I have written lots of blogs during my break, so keep checking back! They're pretty good! Ok, I leave now. There is a new Skillet podcast I haven't yet seen! Yay!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Josh and Chuck

If you ever get the chance to meet me, you will quickly find out that I like the band Skillet. And if you stick around, you might hear a lot about my family. And if you and i become friends, you will most likely hear a lot about Josh and Chuck.

Josh and Chuck are two guys who live in Atlanta, Georgia. They are kind of crazy, but always funny. They work for a website called and they do a podcast called Stuff You Should Know.

It's very informative. I have all kinds of crazy ideas in my head now that were planted by these two random guys who have nothing better to do than fill my head with crazy ideas. It all comes from knowing so much about different, totally unpredictable subjects that they podcast on twice a week. I would still feel like a total loser if it wasn't for these guys.

For instance, did you know that you can't actually die in quicksand? Or that Ninjas wore white on occasion? No, I bet you didn't. Or that there are 4 billion LEGO mini-figures on the planet, making them the largest people group? Yeah, cool stuff.

If you haven't already I highly recommend the podcast. Just go to itunes and search for Stuff You Should Know. They already have like three hundred podcasts and they come out with a new one every Tuesday and Thursday.

Chuck is on the left, Josh is on the right.

Um, ok. If you wanna learn more about me, Josh and Chuck, or Skillet, you can type any word you want into blogger's handy search bar at the top of the page. And if you want your own piece of Josh and Chuck, you can always send it in an email to

Before the day we are allowed to blow stuff up

Today is July 3rd, and today I won a contest I never even thought I'd enter in my life.

My church had a picnic today for the forth of July (yes yes I know it's a day early, but we have actual church tomorrow). I spent the first part of the day face painting, which was fun, but super hard. You'd think something as simple as painting a flower on a little kid's face would be easier than it was. After that we had delicious hotdogs and hamburgers. I had one hamburger and two hotdogs, and some taco salad.

After we ate, we had an egg toss. My grandpa and I paired up and were the first to strike out (or rather, the first to break our egg). Then we played some game with bowls and water and we all got wet and it was horrible so I'll stop talking about it.

Then there was a pie eating contest. I hadn't planned on doing this at all, because you see, there are some guys at our church who I wouldn't stand a chance against. But the prize for the winner was this cooler that my mom had been wanting for a long time, so my dad and I both entered the contest for her (or at least I did). There was about eight of us, six guys, me, and one of the moms. She told me she was just in it to get some pie, but don't tell anyone I said that. We each got a third of a pie with cream on top that we had to consume without using our hands as fast as we could. Whoever finished first wins.

We started, and I dove into that pie like my life depended on it. I was drowning in cream for the first five seconds, but then I opened up and shoved as much pie as I could into my mouth. I could hear everyone cheering for my youth leader and my dad, and I was almost ready to give up. But then a bunch of people started cheering for me! I was like, what? I looked over at my dad while I was trying to swallow, and I could see why. I was beating him! I was winning!

I finished my pie, but still no one said anything. So I licked my plate with insane intensity. Then the guy told everyone to stop, because they had a winner. It was me of course. I had just won a pie eating contest with a bunch of dudes. I. AM. FAT.

So I got the cooler, but now I feel like crap. I have been smelling nothing but cream ever since then, and I feel like all that hotdog and pie is going to come up at any second.

Oh, hold on.....I gotta go.......

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I finally got this video up!!!!

Below is a song I wrote. I am playing it for real, those are my actual hands. Sorry about the poor sound quality, my camera isn't made for this type of thing.

If you have any ideas at all for lyrics to this song, please comment them below. I want this song to tell of someone who was at a low point in there life, or maybe is still at that low point. Here are some lyrics I already have:

The Struggle Within (Solitary Shell)

The struggle within

It kills me inside

I want someone to hold me

I pull away

From those I want to love

I need someone to stop me

I’m all alone

Imprisoned at home

I feel like there’s no hope

My mind’s the enemy

Why can’t somebody see

I need someone to love me

I’m hoping for the day

When I don’t pull away

Withdrawn inside myself for far too long

Praying for a way

To keep myself sane

Long enough to find a way to fit in

I’m all alone

Imprisoned at home

I feel like there’s no hope

My mind’s the enemy

Why can’t somebody see

I need someone to love me

I don’t want to be alone

But I can’t change what is

I don’t have a heart of stone

But it would be easier than this

I want to break free from myself

To live outside of my solitary shell

I need to break out

I’m all alone

Imprisoned at home

I feel like there’s no hope

My mind’s the enemy

Why can’t somebody see

I need someone to love me

Sunday, June 27, 2010


This is a random blog so I could see what all these fancy features are for.



Sooo how are you today? Fine thank you. What's wrong with yo words? I don't even know

Nice tattoo!

Click Me!

What I did today (haha funny title Selena)

Today was our church baptism. I got to see my little sister and my grandparents get baptized. It was really awesome to physically see how the Lord has saved them, and brought them over from death to life.

Afterward, me and a few other kids went swimming. I didn't have any thing to swim in, so I just took off my glasses and jumped in fully my dress! It was entirely uncomfortable. But hey, it is 104 degrees here today. You can break a sweat just sitting around for too long in one spot. But the thing is, you're dripping with sweat by the time you move to a different position. Ugh, I hate California...

What I Do When I'm really Super Bored

These are banners I make on my computer when I have nothing else to do. If you like them I can make you one, just send me some pictures and colors you want me to use, and I'll see what I can do. Ok, here they are. Click on them to view them full size.

This would be Andrew Garcia.

This is Ben Kasica from Skillet. The words are the lyrics to "Treasure" by Flyleaf.

Danny Gokey......duh. Not my best work.

This is my sister Genevieve. I took these pictures by the way.

John Cooper from Skillet, with the rest of the band in the background.

I just made this one really fast for my friend Haley. Lee Dewyze in case you can't read (which would be weird, why would you come to my blog if you can't read?)

Creepy John Cooper.

This is a wallpaper I made custom for my computer, but it ended up looking kinda weird. It's John Cooper and Ben Kasica, with a poem I wrote.

These are all banners I made for the Panhead Awards 2009.

ALL COPYRIGHTS TO BANNERS BELONG TO ME! PLEASE ASK BEFORE YOU USE THEM! The only exception is if you were a winner of the Panhead Awards 2009, in which case please feel free to take any one of the Award banners.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Half and half

A lot of you probably know that I'm a half and half, half Mexican and half white. I'm also the oldest of four children, and today I noticed something strange. We all turned out white. I mean, you can sort of tell by my face that I have some Mexican in me, but my skin is deathly white in some places. My brother has some awesome tanning abilities that could pass him as Mexican, but he doesn't have the facial shape I have.

Seriously, what are the odds? Me and all of my siblings had a 50% chance of being Mexican, but not one of us got it. I have a friend who is half and half like me. She has a Mexican mom and a white dad, just like I do. But she looks totaly Mexican. Her brother looks white, just really tan.

So they had one out of two, not surprisingly. But my family has none out of four. Crazy.

What's wrong with my family? Comment please, tell me what you think.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer vacation!! (Part the last)

It's finally over. My wonderful vacation to my hometown ended on Sunday, along with all my joy, happiness, peace....

Haha just kidding. I was honestly really missing home and the people I left behind for three weeks during this trip. I discovered how much my heart was torn between these two places: the place I loved and grew up in, and the place where my family is. It's hard I guess, hard because you can't be two places at once. It's scary to think about, but I will always be stuck in this place between these places. I will never again belong in any one spot.

Anyway, I had a nice last day in the valley. My church back there does a service in the park in father's day, followed by a BBQ and potluck. I got sunburned of course, but it was worth hanging out with my friends at the park. I made two new guy friends, which is cool because guy friends don't wanna talk about relationships and drama all the time. You can just talk like a normal human being with them. Plus they're both home schooled.

Vacation may be over, but summer is just beginning. Without boatloads of school to do, who knows what kinds of crazy things I'll be into!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Vacation!! (Part Four? I think)

I am really having the best time of my life. I felt guilty today, because today was the first time I truly missed home. I think it's because I know all this is going to end in less than two weeks. I want things to go back to normal, back where my new home is. I hate this feeling, to miss my true home when I'm here in my real home. But this is the way thingss are. This is life.

No pictures this time but I thought I should do an update. Wenz dyed my blond highlights purple! It is really awesome, even though the whole proses was rather nightmare-ish. At one point I had to basically shower fully dressed to keep from getting purple all over Wenz' mom's bathroom. I will post pictures of it next blog. I can't now because Wenz thought it would be fun to braid my hair in two pig tail braids today. Ugh.

On Saturday, Wenz and her parents took me shopping. I spend an insane amount of money, but new clothes are always good. It was an interesting experience, because Wenz and I have two very different styles of clothing. She's this classy, fancy blouse and boot cut jeans girl, while I'm the rocker chick who wears black all the time. She managed to spend a half hour at least inside Forever 21. I pretty much just followed her around, asking if we could go yet. I'm a personal fan of Converse and Zumies.

Today Wenz, her sister, the girl they baby sit and I had a water party. We put the sprinkler underneath the trampoline and jumped on it in our bathing suits. It was fun, but terrifying to someone like me who doesn't care for water too much.

Well, better go now. I have a friend who wants me. =)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Vacation!! (Part Three)

Wenz is a bad driver. Wenz is a bad driver. Wenz is a bad driver. Wenz is a bad driver.

I drove with Wenz for the first time yesterday, and since I'm her best friend and she loves me, I can say right out that she is a pretty horrible driver. Her dad told me I wasn't safe with her behind the wheel before we took off, and he was right. If you value your life you will not ever go out for a drive with her.

Wenz also has a stupid dog who will not leave me alone.

On the bright side, Chlo came over today to hang out because we were bored. We called my dad to ask him if I was allowed to see a movie, and he imitated all these voices. First he was the CPA, then he was Runaways anonymous, and all kinds of things from Arnold Schwarzenegger to a taxidermist. It was crazy. I have never heard him do something like that. Oh, sure he does lots of crazy stuff but he was really out there today.


Oh yes, we initiated Chloe into our club today. We walked out to the super secret location of our business, The Colorful Zebra. Initiation included...oh Wenz said it's super secret. Never mind.

Wenz also hates the word frothy. Chlo, Wenz and I all had two cups of chai tea with froth on top, and every time we said frothy, she would get mad at us. She can't explain why she hates that word so much, she just hits us and throws stuff at us when we say it.

Yesterday I went to youth group. My youth pastor uses the same stories he did a year and a half ago. What is up wit dat?

Hey Wenz has a Skillet song on her computer in her play list!

In closing, Wenz took the coolest picture of me today.

Yes, I'm blogging. =)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Vacation!! (Part Two)

Being back home is something special. I feel like I should be excited, but truthfully, things just feel normal. There's this peace inside me, like I'm back now, I'm safe, I don't have to worry any longer. It's day four, and I feel amazing.

Last night, we had my friend Wenz' sixteenth birthday. Eighty people showed up, all hanging out, eating, drinking, telling Wenz happy birthday. It was so fun! One of the best days of my life that will be remembered when I'm old and blind (yes blind).

My youth pastor was there, and all of his eight kids. He's one of the people I really missed, so it was awesome seeing him every few minutes. My friend Ben and I hung out too. We jumped on the trampoline and almost broke it. By rear touched the ground while I was getting super bounced. Then there was Sam...who I really don't like. He's weird, and he talks too much, but I feel bad for not liking him because he likes me. I told him if he let me make him a bracelet I would like him. But for now I do not like him. This is a picture of him, the skinny white Sam, and this girl that was staying with my other friend. (They wouldn't leave the poor girl alone)

I also made a new friend. Wenz' uncle Josh plays music, and released an album that he's selling by hmself, like, I think it's called indy artist *slaps forhead because she can't believe she just said that*. I really wanted to meet him and hear him play. When he showed up, Wenz introduced us, and I was like, "Okey, whatever" and moved on. But after a while I went to play the piano, and he started playing with me. It was kinda weird, but he was hecka good at it. Later on after dinner, he pulled me aside and told me to come play some more. So we had a little piano lesson, then we played the coolest, most beautiful song I've ever heard on he piano. The cool thing was, we were both improvising, but using the system he taught me, it sounded like we both new the song. It was crazy insane, as Wenz likes to say. We also traded bracelets, but he broke mine. Here's a picture of us at the piano.

Later that night, I had a late night trampoline jump with Chase, Ben, Chile, and Matthew. I was hanging out with the tween boys because all Jeremiah and Wenz wanted to do was talk about relationships. Lame.

That was about it. Wenz and I ended the night by eating a lot of candy, reading her birthday cards, and talking to my parents. It was an awesome night.

More updates to come. So far, I have two concerts planned, a babysitting job, and serving at a graduation party, so it should be pretty exciting.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer vacation!! (Part One)

Tomorrow I leave for a three week long vacation, without my family.

I must say, it's going to be so weird without them. I'm always planning around what my family wants to do, always going places with them, always with them in some way. But starting tomorrow, I will be on my own.

I'm trying not to be too sad about leaving. I mean, this is my first time I get to be away from home. But honestly, I'm going to miss my little siblings and my parents. Sure, it'll be fun hanging out with my best friend all month and sharing her room, but I already think I'm going to get homesick real fast.

On a happier note, I'M SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!!! The time is going by so slowly. I don't know how I'm supposed to go to sleep tonight. Tomorrow I have to get up early. I don't understand these people who get up early just for the fun of it. It's not natural to be up anytime before 8 am in the morning. But tomorrow it will be worth it to drag myself out of bed at 6 o'clock.

I hope none of my friends see this before Sunday, because it's supposed to be a secret. It's going to be so fun to just show up at church on Sunday, and freak everyone out. I can already see Haley gasping and shouting my name, asking why I'm here. "Well, duh, Haley, I'm here to see you! What did you think I was doing here, digging for gold?" Haha yep, it's going to be a great vacation.

More to come later this week...

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I wanna get a tattoo when I turn eighteen, but I'm not sure what I want to get. I know It's like this big deal, and I definitely see it as such. So I want to pick something out and play around with it now, so that by the time I'm eighteen, I will be used to the idea of forever having whatever I pick out attached to my earthly body.

I wanna know what you think. My ideas for possible tattoo choices range from crosses to monsters. I wanted a cross of some sort from the beginning, but as I was thought about it, I wasn't so sure anymore. It's not the cross that paid the price I couldn't pay, it was Jesus. So I think a cross might be out.

I was thinking I could get a scripture instead, but the hard part about that is that there are so many good ones. I was thinking about a verse that says something about being free, or that one in first Corinthians about how when we are weak, God is strong. If you know any other good ones, I would love to have them.

I would most likely get the scripture on my back somewhere, but I also want something a little more fun, possibly on the inside of my left wrist. I'm not quite sure what yet, but I have played around with the idea of a cute little monster with big teeth, or maybe a tiny cross. I don't know.

The last thing I'm considering is to tattoo stitches somewhere on my body. I draw stitches on myself quite frequently, because it reminds me of how messed up and fallen apart I would be if I didn't have Jesus. He holds me together, something I have to be reminded of on an hourly basis. This is by far the coolest idea for a tattoo I've had to date I think.

Anyway, that's about it. Comment, tell me what you think. I would appreciate pictures of cool tattoos like the ones I mentioned here.

I'll keep you updated on the whole situation, but I still have a year and a half to go until I'm eighteen.

For once, I was right

Lee Dewyze won American Idol last night! I'm so exited, I had to re-write that first sentence about five times.

Yep, so I was right. I knew Crystal wouldn't win. It was part of the whole reason I kept watching the show. I just wanted to prove that she wouldn't win.

I haven't done a blog in a while people sorry. I was grounded. So that's pretty much it. I just wanted to say that I was right, and let you all know that I'm still alive.

Peace out homedog!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Poem Two: Wbanguna

Thus poem is private and has been removed from my blog. Email me at, and if I aprove, I'll send it to you.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Are you really a Panhead?

This is my test called, Are You a Panhead? “Panhead” is the nick name that the band Skillet has given their fans. Take this test to see if things are good between you and Skillet. Um, it is good to get high ratings with this test, but you also don’t want to be too high on the scale either. This is where you fail to be a Panhead and become what most people call crazy, or even obsessed.

Are you a Panhead?

1. Do you listen to Skillet’s music on a regular basis?

2. Do you enjoy Skillet’s music?

3. Do you have ten or more Skillet songs on your MP3 player?

4. Do you own a Skillet CD that spends more time in the CD player than in the case?

5. Do you listen to Skillet in the car?

6. Do most of your friends identify you as “The Skillet Fan”?

7. Do you bring Skillet up in conversation on a daily basis?

8. Is there a Skillet poster hanging in your room?

9. Is there a Skillet sticker on anything you own?

10. Have you been to a Skillet concert?

11. Are you a frequent visitor to

12. Is your computer personalized with Skillet wallpaper?

13. Have you ever sent a Skillet e-card to your friends?

14. Do you feel a strange urge to jump up and play air guitar when one of Skillet’s songs plays on the radio or T.V. (adrenaline rush)?

15. Do you listen to old Skillet songs as well as new ones?

16. Do you know the names of every Skillet member?

17. Do you know the ages and birthdays of every Skillet member?

18. Do you know where the Skillet members live?

19. Have you ever written a fan letter to Skillet?

20. Have you ever taken a picture of or with Skillet?

21. Have you ever shared a Skillet music video with a friend?

22. Do you lie in bed at night and think about Skillet?

23. Do you ever wish you could be a member of Skillet?

24. Have you done a report of any kind about Skillet that other people heard?

25. Has Skillet inspired you to start playing music?

26. Do you model your live after the members of Skillet?

27. Do you find one or two of Skillet’s members to be attractive? (If you think more than two are attractive, you have a problem that I can’t help you with)

28. Do you remember the exact day you found out about Skillet?

29. Do you remember the first song you ever heard by Skillet?

30. Is there anyone you know that heard about Skillet from you and like them?

Give yourself one point for every answer that was a yes
0-5 points: You need a lot of work before you can call yourself Panhead
6-10 points: You can say you’re a Panhead, but not really all that good of one
11-18 points: You’re a good Panhead
19-25 points: You really like Skillet, you awesome Panhead you!
26-28 points: You’re a little too close to Skillet, but still good
29-30 points: You need to chill; the world does not revolve around Skillet you know

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Push Ups are Good for You

As a wearer of glasses and a notice-r of odd things, I've discovered that there are many ways one can adjust their glasses.

Glasses NEVER stay on your face the right way for very long. One is forced to adjust them many times a day, but we all do it differently. For example, Some people push up or adjust their glasses by grabbing the side of their frames with their thumb and pointer finger and pushing them back into place. Some people push up in the middle bar with their pointer finger, and others with their middle finger. I've even seen the occasional ring finger push up (this looks very fancy, if you want to be fancy you should try this maneuver next time you're losing your glasses).

This blog would be extremely boring if I didn't do something crazy, so let me tell you what's going to go down. I'll tell you all the different ways one can push up their glasses, and then I'll tell you what that particular push up says about their personality. If you have glasses and you do more than one type of push up, both apply, or the one you do more. If you don't have glasses you can use this on your framed friends.

Pointer finger push up on the middle bar: The framed person who does this kind of push up is often outgoing. They want you and those around you to like them, but sometimes their glasses make them feel self conscious. It can also be a form of nervousness, something someone does when they get nervous.

Middle finger push up on the middle bar: This person is all business. They still have time for friends, but not if it interferes with jobs they must get done.

Ring finger push up on the middle bar: As mentioned above, this person is just being fancy, possibly showing off.

Pinky finger push up on the middle bar: This is just weird. If you see someone doing this tell them to stop it.

Right frame grab with the thumb and pointer finger: This person is not as bold as the middle bar push up-ers, but they still like to have lots of friends, though maybe not in large groups.

Right frame push up with the pointer finger: Usually, framed people do this if they need to see something above the top bar of their frames. I've never seen someone use this maneuver as a push up. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Right frame push up with the middle finger: This person is pretty much as normal as you can get. They're not too shy, but not over powering in any way either. If you're looking for a soul mate, go for the right frame middle finger push up-ers.

Right frame push up with the ring finger: This is like the pointer finger push up, except it's used for looking down. You might see this in a class room or while a framed person is reading. Or they might be hiding their face. Give the person some space. If someone does this frequently, they are extremely shy. it might be hard to crack their shell, but you might just find a wonderful person underneath.

Right frame push up with the pinky finger: All pinky finger push ups are just weird looking.

All these push ups are the same on the left side. All the left side tells you is that the framed person in question is most likely left handed.

Two handed push up with the right and left pointer fingers and thumbs: I'm not sure what this means.

OK, so that's about it. There are the no hand push ups, but those get really complicated. My favorites are the nose crinkling ones. When a framed person has been looking down and then looks up and they don't have their hands free, they crinkle their nose and throw their heads back in attempt to see.

When our hands are dirty, we might need to use our shoulder or arm. This means nothing besides our hands are dirty, and our glasses are falling down.

And the best push up ever, one I have personally discovered and perfected. The head bang push up!!!!!!!! When you head bang, you put less force into the down motion, so your $200 glasses don't fly off your face and hit the floor. They will still slide down your face a considerable amount though, so when you throw your head up, you have to do this over exaggerated head flick. This way, your glasses go right back into place. Repeat about 20 times, and you have the head bang push up!

The end.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Poem one: Don't Be Afraid

Sometimes It's scary
This world I'm in
Sometimes I don't know who to listen to
The messages come rushing in
I wonder if this is all worth it
I just want it to stop for a moment
Lord, make it stop
But it keeps coming

I want you to trust in Me
I want you to know you're not in this alone
Don't listen to what they say about you
He doesn't love you like I do
I gave you this gift, now go share it
Use it the way I tell you
And everything will be alright
Just keep trusting in Me

But Lord, I can't do it
Don't you see how scared I am?
Don't you know I'll be judged for my gift?
It'll never be good enough
It won't matter how hard I try
I've failed You so many times
it's easier on the sidelines
It won't matter how hard I try

Child, if only you could see
I see everything
It's right here in front of Me
I have it all in My hands
No one can hurt you
What can mere man do to you?
Man, the very things I created!
Don't worry about them

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This was worth a shout out

I found this somewhere, thought it was the funniest thing. Worth a blog all to itself.

Haha a million pairs of glasses! YES!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I fell for the worst prank ever

So last night, I got this call from my good friend Wenz. It was strange because she's not even allowed to call me at all after about 9 o'clock. She sounded really sad and tired. I asked her what the matter was and she said that our friend Chlo called her up and told her that she thought she was prettier than Wenz. I told Wenz that it was okey because everyone is pretty in their own special way, but that didn't seem to satisfy her.

Then she told me that she thought that Chlo had a crush on Jer. This is weird because everyone knows that Jer has and always will like Hale, but I didn't say anything about that. We talked a bit about how strange a couple they would make. Then Wenz told me that she didn't even want to see Chlo again, just talk to her on the phone. I told Wenz she should hold on to Chlo, because they're such good friends to each other. I suggested that perhaps Chlo was just going through a jerk phase. She was, after all, almost 14.

Then I heard hysterical laughing on the other line. I sat there in silence, because I wasn't sure if Wenz was laughing or if she was crying, or if that was even her! After things quieted down, I asked her who was laughing, and she said Chlo! They had called me to see what I really thought about Chlo. I was so embarresed. I jokingly called Chlo a jerk, and my face turned red. I told them both that they were mean.

I can't believe I fell for it.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I just realized that I have yet to blog about Skillet!!!!

What kind of a Panhead am I? I don't deserve the name Sckpanhead. I've even added "Panhead" to all my paper and computer dictionaries, because apparently some people don't believe such a word exists. Well, it does, and I am a proud member of this group of people. What are we? We are Skillet fans. We are one.

Anyway, so Skillet is the awesome-ist band ever. I first heard of them back in 2004, when their album Collide had just come out. My dad had burned "Savior" onto one of his CDs we listened to in the family car. I remembered thinking that they were Lifehouse. When I asked my dad who they were, he couldn't remember. I loved the song, but I don't think this counts as being a Panhead yet.

Two years later, my dad did the same thing with a song off their new album, Comatose. The song was "Rebirthing", and we listened to it full blast a few times while driving around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. Everyone loved the song, especially me. I asked my dad again who this awesome band was, and I'll never forget what he told me. He said, "I don't know, Skillet or some weird name like that". "Well dad, burn me a CD with songs from this weird band" I said. And that was the beginning of my obsession. My dad burned me that CD, with songs from every Skillet CD there was besides the first one. I listened to that CD until it was fallign apart (yes, you can listen to a CD until it falls apart).

The first time I actually saw Skillet was a short time after this. My mom called me into the living room and told me that that band Skillet I always listen to was on TV. It was the Rebirthing video. I remember trying to figure out with my mom if the drummer was a girl or a boy, and that they were, in fact, weird.

It didn't take long for me to get used to Skillet. being home schooled, I wasn't frequently exposed to such coolness as Skillet very often, so it took some getting used to. Later I liked bands like Thousand Foot Krutch and tobyMac which, how do I word this, warmed me up to be cool, I guess. I always went back to Skillet though, no matter what band I liked at the time. Skillet was always number one.

On a more serious note, Skillet's songs have helped me get through a lot of hard things in my life. A lot of the songs seem to say exactly what I'm feeling. It's like John Cooper (lead singer, bass player, and writer for Skillet for all you non-Skillet people out there) was going through the same things I was. It still helps me a lot in my life now, even though I don't take the help as often as I should anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me, but i don't listen to Skillet as much as I used to. Sort of sad.

OK, now for the good stuff...SKILLET STUFF!!!! Let me tell you about the band in my own words. There is John Cooper, lead singer and bass player. He grew up in Tenessee, but currently lives in Wisconson with his wife and two kids. John is a nerd who likes toys, action figures, and 80's music. Korey Cooper is John's wife, and also plays keys and guitar in Skillet. She is the serious one, and ba;ances out John's crazy easy going attitude. Ben Kasica plays lead guitar. He is my personal favorite, mostly because he was home schooled like me. He grew up, and I believe still lives, in ST Louis. He likes coffee. Jen ledger plays drums. She's from England, and used to have an accent, although she's lost most of it. She is a typical 20 year old rocker chick, with awesome clothes and awesome hair to match.

OK, this blog could go on forever, but like I thought it would it's already gotten out of hand. Let's just stop right here, and I can send you to some sites or something. Here you go...

And of course, a picture of Skillet, just in case you see them on the street by some strange coincidence. From left to right: Jen, Ben, John, Korey.

And one more of Ben...

Thursday, April 15, 2010


My little sister is the best.

She is soooooo adorable. I've never ever seen another baby that's as cute as she is. This might have something to do with the fact that I'm used to babies and don't notice them as much. But if there's this really cute baby in Wal-Mart or Lowe's or something I'll still be like, "Oh, that baby is so cute!" But not one has even come close to Genevieve.

She has these perfect eyes that make you melt. Crazy hair that would look horrible on anyone else but her. A nicely shaped body that you can't help but squeeze every time you walk past her. And the cu-t-est voice. It's sort of like mine, high pitched and nasally. All this perfect-ness helps her to get away with a lot of stuff though.

That's the only bad thing about her. She has one whopper of an attitude. She will demand things, and if you don't give it to her right away, she'll whine for it until you give her a spank or send her to her room. She also pesters her older brother Elijah. He used to get in trouble all the time for making her cry, until we found out that she was the one starting all these fights.

OK, I think she wants a word or two...


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Yes, um, anyway.

I love my sister a lot, I know that sounds overused and everything, but I really do. It doesn't matter how bad or good she acts, I will still love her the same, because God gave her to me to love and take care of.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Different is not that bad, right?

As years, decades, maybe even weeks go by, people are changing.

None of us are the same people we were last year, and we'll never be. I know people who don't understand change and how necessary it is to grow and remain effective in the world. Change happens. We can't do anything to stop that.

Take me, for example. Growing up, I was the classic nerd in glasses. I wanted to be smart. Anyone who was opposing to my ideas and creations was stupid and should be avoided as much a possible. Even when I was in school, nothing there affected me that much as far as my personality went. I was my own person and I did my own thing. When I got to be in my preteen years, the outside world started to place its mark on me. I was tired of being smart, because smart didn't fit in. I wanted to be normal.

Still, I did my own thing. I was a major tomboy, like short hair and baggy clothes tomboy. I shudder at the pictures of me because of how hard it was to tell if I was a boy or a girl. In my early teen years, I changed again. Still very much my own person, I started going to a youth group with other kids my age. They had their own ideas about things, but they still somehow fit in. I wanted to be like that. Long story short, this was the year I experienced my first heartbreak, my first best friends, my first click, what it's like to not be included in a click, and lots of drama. But over all, these things changed me the most so far, even to where I'm at now. Without these things, I might still be a tomboy with short hair and no friends.

It's been two years, and already I'm a completely different person. I'm quiteter now, closer to God and not as carefree as I once was. I learned how to be uniqe during the first part of this blog, and how to contrubute in the second part. Now I'm using this information to mature and move on with life. I'm seeing what's importaint and what's not.

All this could just be a nice little story of my life if it wasn't for the things in my life that don't change. You see, I change a lot. I could be a new person in a matter of weeks, with new goals and new ideas. But I have friends and other commitments that don't change this fast. It's not anyone's fault, but I struggle with the fact that I'm moving on and they're still stuck in the past. This is something that's been on my mind lately, how fast I move, how I'm leaving things behind.

This is mostly for my friends back home in Nevada. After my most recent visit, I noticed that something was wrong. It wasn't home anymore. these weren't my friends. That wasn't my church. It's all part of the past now, something God allowed me to have for a little while, but doesn't want me to have now. Now, I feel lost and trapped. I'm stuck in the middle of two different worlds. One is the one I'm in now, and the other is the one I was living.

It's painful to say this, but I don't belong anywhere anymore. I want so desperetly to go back home, but I don't belong there any longer. I hate the place I'm living now, but this is where my future lies.

I'm different yes. But I'm sick of people treating that like it's a bad thing. I have decided to move on. I still love my friends. What they taught me I will never forget. But I'm here now, and I'm a new person. Change is something they will have to deal with.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

American Idol: What it means to me

I used to hate American Idol until this season...

Then I realized how fun it was. There are so many different ways of looking at it, so many reasons why people vote or even watch. A lot of it just gets on my nerves though. For starters, the judges. From the beginning through Hollywood week, the judges are not only necessary, but entertaining. Sure they make some choices that we may not agree with, but what they do is completely out of our power, and therefore we should just deal with it and enjoy the show.

It's only after the people start voting that I fail to see the purpose of the judges at all. At this point in the show, we have the power to decide who did good, who we like, and ultimately, who stays and who goes. To me, all the judges do is discourage the contestants. I can not believe how many times I've watched a really bad performance and had to listen to the judges rave about it! Are they even watching the same performance? I won't go too heavily into how I feel about the judges individually, but I do want to say something about Ellen. She's weird, and entirely un-biblical, but that aside, what does she know about good singing? She hosts a talk show. She doesn't write music, sing, or even play an instrument. I'm not bashing Ellen though. I think she's funny and she adds a lot to the show.

Moving on to the contestants. For the most part, I think people really care about who can sing and who can't. I love learning more about the contestants and their personal lives, but if you really think about it, these can be a distraction in your voting. Would you vote for the contestant who struggles to make ends meet, or for the one who has ten cars? Weather or not they can sing, you are automatically going to be inclined to vote for the one who struggles to get by.

And now for my favorite part: looks. What do all the little middle school and teenage girls like in a music artist? Nice hair, nice eyes, preferably single. No one wants to watch an ugly man dance around on TV. I'll admit it, I too like whoever I'm voting for to be nice looking. I don't think it's fair sometimes when these really bad singers with long hair and big eyes make it so far while the good singers get kicked off because they're fat.

I'll close with my thoughts on the season currently airing, I DO NOT LIKE CRYSTAL BOWERSOX!!!! With that out of the way, I like to look for the Christians, or whoever acts like one, you can never be sure. I'm guessing Lee Dewyze and Mike Lynche are the Godly ones here. As for who I'm voting for, Andrew Garcia is the best. He has a unique voice, something I value highly, a nice personality, and yes, nice looks. Disagree with me if you want, but who doesn't disagree on American Idol?

EDIT Thursday, April 15, 2010: Andrew Garcia was voted off the show last night. =( I will now be a fan of Lee Dewyze.


I just had surgery on Friday to remove my four wisdom teeth.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but for all of you that have yet to undergo this surgery, it hurts much worse than they say it does. There was a lot of blood. I almost passed out twice after removing the gauze that were in the sides of my mouth. You swallow a lot of blood the first day after surgery, so it's not uncommon for you to purge blood the first few hours after surgery. Fortunately I didn't throw up any blood. And I also did not pass out, although as I previously mentioned, I came close. This liquid diet I'm on will be the death of me! I have had nothing to eat besides soup, Jell-o, apple sauce, Jell-o, juice, and an insane amount of Jell-o! I look like a chipmunk, in that my cheeks have swelled up to about twice their original size. But the good thing is that I've gotten rid of a noticeable amount of fat around my waist. That right there is the only good thing about this whole thing. Well, that and the fact that i will never have to do I again!!! Curse evil Jell-o...