Sunday, April 11, 2010


I just had surgery on Friday to remove my four wisdom teeth.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but for all of you that have yet to undergo this surgery, it hurts much worse than they say it does. There was a lot of blood. I almost passed out twice after removing the gauze that were in the sides of my mouth. You swallow a lot of blood the first day after surgery, so it's not uncommon for you to purge blood the first few hours after surgery. Fortunately I didn't throw up any blood. And I also did not pass out, although as I previously mentioned, I came close. This liquid diet I'm on will be the death of me! I have had nothing to eat besides soup, Jell-o, apple sauce, Jell-o, juice, and an insane amount of Jell-o! I look like a chipmunk, in that my cheeks have swelled up to about twice their original size. But the good thing is that I've gotten rid of a noticeable amount of fat around my waist. That right there is the only good thing about this whole thing. Well, that and the fact that i will never have to do I again!!! Curse evil Jell-o...

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