Another thing that has been changing along with my musical intake is my relationship with God. I have really been desiring God's word like I never have before. It's crazy, I'll be in church and something will become so clear, like someone had their hands over my eyes and now the hands are gone, and I'll want to shout or something. Every time I open the Word, it's like another piece of the puzzle is slowly being crafted, fitted, painted, and finally placed in the proper place. Then I can see God's plan or his love as a whole, how he was indeed faithful again, and I fall a little deeper in love with him.
Why did all this awesomeness start happening after I stopped obsessing over Skillet?
So anyway, I've been listening to Matt Maher after I saw him in concert. I had no idea who he was, and honestly, with Thousand Foot Krutch yet to hit the stage, I didn't want to know. But I was drawn in by the sincere worship coming out of this guy, and how can I not want to worship my God! Check it:

Yes, I'm just showing off my pictures, thank you for asking. Long story short, I decided to pick up his album sometime in the near future. Well, I just did that very thing this past Saturday, and it was worth my money.
His worship is different than most contemporary Christin artists. Most of the time, I find myself listening to K-Love or some other Christian radio station, and I agree with everything the lyrics say, but it's....shallow. If I'm going to listen to something slower, it needs to have some, some, what's the word, *makes squeezing motion with hands*, muchness. Ugh, why did I say that? I hate that movie.
What I'm trying to say is Matt Maher challenges me. It sounds to me like most artists on K-Love are speaking to the unbeliever, or perhaps the believer who is feeling like giving up. Matt Maher (can he make his name easier to type?) seems to be talking more to me, as someone who is on a God high right now, wondering how I can get more of him. "We lift high, the banner of the cross! There is no greater love than this, no love but this. Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, there is no greater love than this, no love but his!" Yes! I want to shout that to some guy on the street or something, you know? It's a matter of getting even more excited, even more in love, even more on fire. Because I am doing pretty good right now, but I know I can be better. I know there is more love and fire in me, waiting to get out.
"Sing, sing for faith. Sing for hope. Sing for what great love has done. What was lost, he has found. Shout it out!" HAA! There it is, the shouting! I knew I wasn't the only one.
For me, right now, being on fire is a matter of attitudes toward my family, getting my chores done, doing the best I can in school, and giving all my effort in the worship team. Do I always enjoy doing it? No, but it's becoming easier, like I'm building some muscles. Sometimes I'm sore, and I don't feel like using those muscles, but God reminds me how good I feel when I tell my mom I love her, when my school's completely finished, when I put that last load of laundry away, when I see someone with their hands raised to the Lord, and suddenly, it's not so hard.
You are wise beyond your years. Or maybe you are getting wiser as you get older. Either way, always believe in yourself because God does.
My dear Selena. This is the first time I have ever read your blog and let me tell you...I'm amazed. You are becoming such a woman of God. It's so funny that you mention listening to Matt Maher after seeing him at the Rock and Worship Road Show. Today, Brad and I were talking about how we end up finding a new band or singer that we end up discovering every time we go. We didn't really know who Matt Maher was either. I had only heard his song Christ is Risen on the radio and I liked it. What really drew me to Matt Maher was that he was truly worshiping God. It's amazing how God can use people through music to touch us. You are such a wonderful young woman and I am so proud of you. Continue to crave God's word as you have been and keep seeking Him. He has wonderful plans ahead for you. Love ya!
Hey, whaddaya mean I'm gonna roll my eyes? I totally agree with you. :D I love Matt Maher. When I listen to "Christ Is Risen" I get that very same feeling. I want to jump up and shout, sing it at the top of my lungs. "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death, come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave...Oh death, where is your sting? Oh hell where is your victory? ...The Glory of God had defeated the night...Our God is not dead, He's alive, HE'S ALIVE!!" Mind blowing!
You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you say all this, that scripture is coming alive for you and is becoming more real for you. You're no longer standing on your parents' faith my Selenie, you own it. It's yours now. :D What's more exciting is that this is happening for you at a young age and not later in life like it did for me and Dad. This is that "leg up" we've told you about, the thing we wanted most to give you. I know that everyone has to find Jesus for themselves but this is what we'd always prayed for.
Thank you Lord!
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