Tomorrow I leave for a three week long vacation, without my family.
I must say, it's going to be so weird without them. I'm always planning around what my family wants to do, always going places with them, always with them in some way. But starting tomorrow, I will be on my own.
I'm trying not to be too sad about leaving. I mean, this is my first time I get to be away from home. But honestly, I'm going to miss my little siblings and my parents. Sure, it'll be fun hanging out with my best friend all month and sharing her room, but I already think I'm going to get homesick real fast.
On a happier note, I'M SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!!! The time is going by so slowly. I don't know how I'm supposed to go to sleep tonight. Tomorrow I have to get up early. I don't understand these people who get up early just for the fun of it. It's not natural to be up anytime before 8 am in the morning. But tomorrow it will be worth it to drag myself out of bed at 6 o'clock.
I hope none of my friends see this before Sunday, because it's supposed to be a secret. It's going to be so fun to just show up at church on Sunday, and freak everyone out. I can already see Haley gasping and shouting my name, asking why I'm here. "Well, duh, Haley, I'm here to see you! What did you think I was doing here, digging for gold?" Haha yep, it's going to be a great vacation.
More to come later this week...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I wanna get a tattoo when I turn eighteen, but I'm not sure what I want to get. I know It's like this big deal, and I definitely see it as such. So I want to pick something out and play around with it now, so that by the time I'm eighteen, I will be used to the idea of forever having whatever I pick out attached to my earthly body.
I wanna know what you think. My ideas for possible tattoo choices range from crosses to monsters. I wanted a cross of some sort from the beginning, but as I was thought about it, I wasn't so sure anymore. It's not the cross that paid the price I couldn't pay, it was Jesus. So I think a cross might be out.
I was thinking I could get a scripture instead, but the hard part about that is that there are so many good ones. I was thinking about a verse that says something about being free, or that one in first Corinthians about how when we are weak, God is strong. If you know any other good ones, I would love to have them.
I would most likely get the scripture on my back somewhere, but I also want something a little more fun, possibly on the inside of my left wrist. I'm not quite sure what yet, but I have played around with the idea of a cute little monster with big teeth, or maybe a tiny cross. I don't know.
The last thing I'm considering is to tattoo stitches somewhere on my body. I draw stitches on myself quite frequently, because it reminds me of how messed up and fallen apart I would be if I didn't have Jesus. He holds me together, something I have to be reminded of on an hourly basis. This is by far the coolest idea for a tattoo I've had to date I think.
Anyway, that's about it. Comment, tell me what you think. I would appreciate pictures of cool tattoos like the ones I mentioned here.
I'll keep you updated on the whole situation, but I still have a year and a half to go until I'm eighteen.
I wanna know what you think. My ideas for possible tattoo choices range from crosses to monsters. I wanted a cross of some sort from the beginning, but as I was thought about it, I wasn't so sure anymore. It's not the cross that paid the price I couldn't pay, it was Jesus. So I think a cross might be out.
I was thinking I could get a scripture instead, but the hard part about that is that there are so many good ones. I was thinking about a verse that says something about being free, or that one in first Corinthians about how when we are weak, God is strong. If you know any other good ones, I would love to have them.
I would most likely get the scripture on my back somewhere, but I also want something a little more fun, possibly on the inside of my left wrist. I'm not quite sure what yet, but I have played around with the idea of a cute little monster with big teeth, or maybe a tiny cross. I don't know.
The last thing I'm considering is to tattoo stitches somewhere on my body. I draw stitches on myself quite frequently, because it reminds me of how messed up and fallen apart I would be if I didn't have Jesus. He holds me together, something I have to be reminded of on an hourly basis. This is by far the coolest idea for a tattoo I've had to date I think.
Anyway, that's about it. Comment, tell me what you think. I would appreciate pictures of cool tattoos like the ones I mentioned here.
I'll keep you updated on the whole situation, but I still have a year and a half to go until I'm eighteen.
For once, I was right
Lee Dewyze won American Idol last night! I'm so exited, I had to re-write that first sentence about five times.
Yep, so I was right. I knew Crystal wouldn't win. It was part of the whole reason I kept watching the show. I just wanted to prove that she wouldn't win.
I haven't done a blog in a while people sorry. I was grounded. So that's pretty much it. I just wanted to say that I was right, and let you all know that I'm still alive.

Peace out homedog!
Yep, so I was right. I knew Crystal wouldn't win. It was part of the whole reason I kept watching the show. I just wanted to prove that she wouldn't win.
I haven't done a blog in a while people sorry. I was grounded. So that's pretty much it. I just wanted to say that I was right, and let you all know that I'm still alive.

Peace out homedog!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Poem Two: Wbanguna
Thus poem is private and has been removed from my blog. Email me at, and if I aprove, I'll send it to you.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Are you really a Panhead?
This is my test called, Are You a Panhead? “Panhead” is the nick name that the band Skillet has given their fans. Take this test to see if things are good between you and Skillet. Um, it is good to get high ratings with this test, but you also don’t want to be too high on the scale either. This is where you fail to be a Panhead and become what most people call crazy, or even obsessed.
Are you a Panhead?
1. Do you listen to Skillet’s music on a regular basis?
2. Do you enjoy Skillet’s music?
3. Do you have ten or more Skillet songs on your MP3 player?
4. Do you own a Skillet CD that spends more time in the CD player than in the case?
5. Do you listen to Skillet in the car?
6. Do most of your friends identify you as “The Skillet Fan”?
7. Do you bring Skillet up in conversation on a daily basis?
8. Is there a Skillet poster hanging in your room?
9. Is there a Skillet sticker on anything you own?
10. Have you been to a Skillet concert?
11. Are you a frequent visitor to
12. Is your computer personalized with Skillet wallpaper?
13. Have you ever sent a Skillet e-card to your friends?
14. Do you feel a strange urge to jump up and play air guitar when one of Skillet’s songs plays on the radio or T.V. (adrenaline rush)?
15. Do you listen to old Skillet songs as well as new ones?
16. Do you know the names of every Skillet member?
17. Do you know the ages and birthdays of every Skillet member?
18. Do you know where the Skillet members live?
19. Have you ever written a fan letter to Skillet?
20. Have you ever taken a picture of or with Skillet?
21. Have you ever shared a Skillet music video with a friend?
22. Do you lie in bed at night and think about Skillet?
23. Do you ever wish you could be a member of Skillet?
24. Have you done a report of any kind about Skillet that other people heard?
25. Has Skillet inspired you to start playing music?
26. Do you model your live after the members of Skillet?
27. Do you find one or two of Skillet’s members to be attractive? (If you think more than two are attractive, you have a problem that I can’t help you with)
28. Do you remember the exact day you found out about Skillet?
29. Do you remember the first song you ever heard by Skillet?
30. Is there anyone you know that heard about Skillet from you and like them?
Give yourself one point for every answer that was a yes
0-5 points: You need a lot of work before you can call yourself Panhead
6-10 points: You can say you’re a Panhead, but not really all that good of one
11-18 points: You’re a good Panhead
19-25 points: You really like Skillet, you awesome Panhead you!
26-28 points: You’re a little too close to Skillet, but still good
29-30 points: You need to chill; the world does not revolve around Skillet you know
Are you a Panhead?
1. Do you listen to Skillet’s music on a regular basis?
2. Do you enjoy Skillet’s music?
3. Do you have ten or more Skillet songs on your MP3 player?
4. Do you own a Skillet CD that spends more time in the CD player than in the case?
5. Do you listen to Skillet in the car?
6. Do most of your friends identify you as “The Skillet Fan”?
7. Do you bring Skillet up in conversation on a daily basis?
8. Is there a Skillet poster hanging in your room?
9. Is there a Skillet sticker on anything you own?
10. Have you been to a Skillet concert?
11. Are you a frequent visitor to
12. Is your computer personalized with Skillet wallpaper?
13. Have you ever sent a Skillet e-card to your friends?
14. Do you feel a strange urge to jump up and play air guitar when one of Skillet’s songs plays on the radio or T.V. (adrenaline rush)?
15. Do you listen to old Skillet songs as well as new ones?
16. Do you know the names of every Skillet member?
17. Do you know the ages and birthdays of every Skillet member?
18. Do you know where the Skillet members live?
19. Have you ever written a fan letter to Skillet?
20. Have you ever taken a picture of or with Skillet?
21. Have you ever shared a Skillet music video with a friend?
22. Do you lie in bed at night and think about Skillet?
23. Do you ever wish you could be a member of Skillet?
24. Have you done a report of any kind about Skillet that other people heard?
25. Has Skillet inspired you to start playing music?
26. Do you model your live after the members of Skillet?
27. Do you find one or two of Skillet’s members to be attractive? (If you think more than two are attractive, you have a problem that I can’t help you with)
28. Do you remember the exact day you found out about Skillet?
29. Do you remember the first song you ever heard by Skillet?
30. Is there anyone you know that heard about Skillet from you and like them?
Give yourself one point for every answer that was a yes
0-5 points: You need a lot of work before you can call yourself Panhead
6-10 points: You can say you’re a Panhead, but not really all that good of one
11-18 points: You’re a good Panhead
19-25 points: You really like Skillet, you awesome Panhead you!
26-28 points: You’re a little too close to Skillet, but still good
29-30 points: You need to chill; the world does not revolve around Skillet you know
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Push Ups are Good for You
As a wearer of glasses and a notice-r of odd things, I've discovered that there are many ways one can adjust their glasses.
Glasses NEVER stay on your face the right way for very long. One is forced to adjust them many times a day, but we all do it differently. For example, Some people push up or adjust their glasses by grabbing the side of their frames with their thumb and pointer finger and pushing them back into place. Some people push up in the middle bar with their pointer finger, and others with their middle finger. I've even seen the occasional ring finger push up (this looks very fancy, if you want to be fancy you should try this maneuver next time you're losing your glasses).
This blog would be extremely boring if I didn't do something crazy, so let me tell you what's going to go down. I'll tell you all the different ways one can push up their glasses, and then I'll tell you what that particular push up says about their personality. If you have glasses and you do more than one type of push up, both apply, or the one you do more. If you don't have glasses you can use this on your framed friends.
Pointer finger push up on the middle bar: The framed person who does this kind of push up is often outgoing. They want you and those around you to like them, but sometimes their glasses make them feel self conscious. It can also be a form of nervousness, something someone does when they get nervous.
Middle finger push up on the middle bar: This person is all business. They still have time for friends, but not if it interferes with jobs they must get done.
Ring finger push up on the middle bar: As mentioned above, this person is just being fancy, possibly showing off.
Pinky finger push up on the middle bar: This is just weird. If you see someone doing this tell them to stop it.
Right frame grab with the thumb and pointer finger: This person is not as bold as the middle bar push up-ers, but they still like to have lots of friends, though maybe not in large groups.
Right frame push up with the pointer finger: Usually, framed people do this if they need to see something above the top bar of their frames. I've never seen someone use this maneuver as a push up. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Right frame push up with the middle finger: This person is pretty much as normal as you can get. They're not too shy, but not over powering in any way either. If you're looking for a soul mate, go for the right frame middle finger push up-ers.
Right frame push up with the ring finger: This is like the pointer finger push up, except it's used for looking down. You might see this in a class room or while a framed person is reading. Or they might be hiding their face. Give the person some space. If someone does this frequently, they are extremely shy. it might be hard to crack their shell, but you might just find a wonderful person underneath.
Right frame push up with the pinky finger: All pinky finger push ups are just weird looking.
All these push ups are the same on the left side. All the left side tells you is that the framed person in question is most likely left handed.
Two handed push up with the right and left pointer fingers and thumbs: I'm not sure what this means.
OK, so that's about it. There are the no hand push ups, but those get really complicated. My favorites are the nose crinkling ones. When a framed person has been looking down and then looks up and they don't have their hands free, they crinkle their nose and throw their heads back in attempt to see.
When our hands are dirty, we might need to use our shoulder or arm. This means nothing besides our hands are dirty, and our glasses are falling down.
And the best push up ever, one I have personally discovered and perfected. The head bang push up!!!!!!!! When you head bang, you put less force into the down motion, so your $200 glasses don't fly off your face and hit the floor. They will still slide down your face a considerable amount though, so when you throw your head up, you have to do this over exaggerated head flick. This way, your glasses go right back into place. Repeat about 20 times, and you have the head bang push up!
The end.
Glasses NEVER stay on your face the right way for very long. One is forced to adjust them many times a day, but we all do it differently. For example, Some people push up or adjust their glasses by grabbing the side of their frames with their thumb and pointer finger and pushing them back into place. Some people push up in the middle bar with their pointer finger, and others with their middle finger. I've even seen the occasional ring finger push up (this looks very fancy, if you want to be fancy you should try this maneuver next time you're losing your glasses).
This blog would be extremely boring if I didn't do something crazy, so let me tell you what's going to go down. I'll tell you all the different ways one can push up their glasses, and then I'll tell you what that particular push up says about their personality. If you have glasses and you do more than one type of push up, both apply, or the one you do more. If you don't have glasses you can use this on your framed friends.
Pointer finger push up on the middle bar: The framed person who does this kind of push up is often outgoing. They want you and those around you to like them, but sometimes their glasses make them feel self conscious. It can also be a form of nervousness, something someone does when they get nervous.
Middle finger push up on the middle bar: This person is all business. They still have time for friends, but not if it interferes with jobs they must get done.
Ring finger push up on the middle bar: As mentioned above, this person is just being fancy, possibly showing off.
Pinky finger push up on the middle bar: This is just weird. If you see someone doing this tell them to stop it.
Right frame grab with the thumb and pointer finger: This person is not as bold as the middle bar push up-ers, but they still like to have lots of friends, though maybe not in large groups.
Right frame push up with the pointer finger: Usually, framed people do this if they need to see something above the top bar of their frames. I've never seen someone use this maneuver as a push up. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Right frame push up with the middle finger: This person is pretty much as normal as you can get. They're not too shy, but not over powering in any way either. If you're looking for a soul mate, go for the right frame middle finger push up-ers.
Right frame push up with the ring finger: This is like the pointer finger push up, except it's used for looking down. You might see this in a class room or while a framed person is reading. Or they might be hiding their face. Give the person some space. If someone does this frequently, they are extremely shy. it might be hard to crack their shell, but you might just find a wonderful person underneath.
Right frame push up with the pinky finger: All pinky finger push ups are just weird looking.
All these push ups are the same on the left side. All the left side tells you is that the framed person in question is most likely left handed.
Two handed push up with the right and left pointer fingers and thumbs: I'm not sure what this means.
OK, so that's about it. There are the no hand push ups, but those get really complicated. My favorites are the nose crinkling ones. When a framed person has been looking down and then looks up and they don't have their hands free, they crinkle their nose and throw their heads back in attempt to see.
When our hands are dirty, we might need to use our shoulder or arm. This means nothing besides our hands are dirty, and our glasses are falling down.
And the best push up ever, one I have personally discovered and perfected. The head bang push up!!!!!!!! When you head bang, you put less force into the down motion, so your $200 glasses don't fly off your face and hit the floor. They will still slide down your face a considerable amount though, so when you throw your head up, you have to do this over exaggerated head flick. This way, your glasses go right back into place. Repeat about 20 times, and you have the head bang push up!
The end.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Poem one: Don't Be Afraid
Sometimes It's scary
This world I'm in
Sometimes I don't know who to listen to
The messages come rushing in
I wonder if this is all worth it
I just want it to stop for a moment
Lord, make it stop
But it keeps coming
I want you to trust in Me
I want you to know you're not in this alone
Don't listen to what they say about you
He doesn't love you like I do
I gave you this gift, now go share it
Use it the way I tell you
And everything will be alright
Just keep trusting in Me
But Lord, I can't do it
Don't you see how scared I am?
Don't you know I'll be judged for my gift?
It'll never be good enough
It won't matter how hard I try
I've failed You so many times
it's easier on the sidelines
It won't matter how hard I try
Child, if only you could see
I see everything
It's right here in front of Me
I have it all in My hands
No one can hurt you
What can mere man do to you?
Man, the very things I created!
Don't worry about them
This world I'm in
Sometimes I don't know who to listen to
The messages come rushing in
I wonder if this is all worth it
I just want it to stop for a moment
Lord, make it stop
But it keeps coming
I want you to trust in Me
I want you to know you're not in this alone
Don't listen to what they say about you
He doesn't love you like I do
I gave you this gift, now go share it
Use it the way I tell you
And everything will be alright
Just keep trusting in Me
But Lord, I can't do it
Don't you see how scared I am?
Don't you know I'll be judged for my gift?
It'll never be good enough
It won't matter how hard I try
I've failed You so many times
it's easier on the sidelines
It won't matter how hard I try
Child, if only you could see
I see everything
It's right here in front of Me
I have it all in My hands
No one can hurt you
What can mere man do to you?
Man, the very things I created!
Don't worry about them
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