I always like to know stuff about people I spend my time on or with, so if you’re anything like me, this blog is for you. It’s a list of fifty completely random, off the top of my head things about me that you may or may not know. I’m sure all of you know number two, but I threw it in there anyways. At the end of the list is the first ever video of me doing….I don’t know what I’m doing. I guess you’ll find out more about me in the video too. It’s more of a test to see if videos will work on my blog. -_-
1. I really like cookies.
2. Skillet is my favorite band. Like, of all time.
3. I have a love/hate relationship with the words, “Seth Morrison”.
4. My old youth leader’s name is Barry.
5. I like pink and black together.
6. If I was a video game character, I would have the biggest crush on Link.
7. I listen to Justin Beiber on occasion.
8. I bite my fingernails, and sometimes past my fingernails.
9. My hair has had purple, blue, green, red, pink, orange, and blonde streaks.
10. I am NOT single.
11. I like boxes, you can put stuff in them.
12. The first letters of my top friend’s names spell T.R.W.C.H.C.
13. That last sentence was extremely hard to get grammatically correct.
14. My favorite song of all time is either Savior or Rebirthing (iTunes Session) by Skillet.
15. I wear glasses, but I take them off for almost every picture.
16. I will never buy a Mac, I am a PC.
17. There is a whole drawer in my desk filled with little items and papers that hold some sort of sentimental value.
18. I have a Wii, a GameCube, and a 3DS.
19. I crack my index and middle finger knuckles.
20. I pace when I’m nervous.
21. I have a horrible blushing problem.
22. I love dancing, but I never do it in public unless it’s a contra dance or a waltz.
23. Oh yeah, I’m an accomplished waltzer.
24. The first song I ever learned on the piano was The Muffin Man.
25. I’m lactose intolerant, but I have cheese sometimes anyway.
26. I love Dr. Pepper.
27. I also love coffee.
28. My favorite coffee is a peppermint frappichino from Starbucks.
29. I secretly like when dudes wear make up.
30. I value personality over looks.
31. I love people in wheelchairs, they are awesome.
32. I hate when I’m typing and I accidentally hit the “insert” button instead of the “backspace” button.
33. I used to have really short hair.
34. I was a tomboy from age 9-ish to age 14.
35. Someday, I’m going to look John Cooper straight in the eye and say, “I am a peanut”.
36. Brown hair is awesome.
37. I have nothing against people who don’t have brown hair.
38. I am currently listening to Hero by Skillet.
39. If you are still reading this, you are weird.
40. I love Mexican food.
41. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
42. I have a friend who’s a missionary in Russia.
43. Besides Jesus and my parents, my biggest role model is Ben Kasica.
44. I’ve worn glasses since I was five. (Except for one year when I wore contacts and the following year when I refused to wear my glasses.)
45. I like hugs.
46. My favorite movie is Pride & Prejudice.
47. I scared my sister just now because I popped a balloon.
48. When I sing, I kiss my microphone, like, seriously make out with it.
49. I never used to like games where you shoot things until this week.
50. Biology is the stupidest subject ever.
Hehe, I love this!!!! Awesome vid, and I love how over half of your list could apply to me as well! We are so perfect for each other...yes in that way. I'm not gonna say I'm kidding because you already know I am...although I kinda just did. ;p WHATEVER!!!!
- Anonymous-you-know-who-I-am
So technically, this list could be "Fifty Things About Selena" or "Twenty-five Things About Ruthie." ;)
:D Sure....I'd definitely say numbers 4(duh!) 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 44, 47, 48, and 49 don't apply to me ;P
Oh look now I'm a site designer ;D
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