Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Alright so yeah sorry about falling off the face of the earth for a while there. Let's get back to blogging. . .

In that last post, I forgot to mention that I got a GameCube from my dad, clearly the best present I got this year. I'm starting to reach the age where Christmas and birthdays just aren't that fun anymore, like I don't stay up late because I'm so excited about what I might get or what might happen tomorrow. Now I go to bed early on Christmas, thankful that I don't have school the next day and I can just sleep in until Christmas dinner with the family. I am seventeen after all.

Anyways I got a GameCube right, and since it was used it smelled funny and the games were all scratched up. But they worked, and for the first time in my life I finally had a gaming system. Not anything fancy, but still awesome.

I don't need to spend too much time on the games that actually came with the GameCube, because after all I asked for one just so I would have a means of playing The Legend of Zelda. What other video games do you need when you have that one? But the thing is, all the used Zelda games ran anywhere from forty to fifty dollars, and I don't have that kind of money (as if any seventeen year old does). But about two or three weeks after I received my game cube, I walked into Game Stop and saw it there, for only fifteen bucks. So I bought it, took it home, and within the hour, I was hooked.

Take a look at how cute Link is:

Who in their right minds wouldn't want to play as him?? I blogged about this game before, but it really stunk, because I hadn't actually played the game enough to really understand how awesome it is. I completed the whole thing, which I understand takes a certain level of skill and determination, and I only needed help three times. Now I'm working on a special play by play of the entire game in story format, so even you non-video gamers can appreciate the full beauty of this game.

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