Friday, February 25, 2011

Ben Kasica Goodbye Video

Like I've said before, Ben Kasica, lead guitarist for Skillet and my favorite member of the band, is leaving. This is a little video I made to say goodbye.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Socializing? Or something else...

I was raised in church for the majority of my life. I know all about potlucks and church picnics and VBS and men and women Bible studies blah blah blah. But have you noticed (if you, like me, have spent any considerable amount of time in church) that when we get together to socialize as a church body, we don't call it "socializing" but rather "fellowship"? Why is that? I mean, I know the Bible calls it that and stuff, but sometimes it sounds to me like we're trying to excuse our fun little get togethers as something we have to do. No, no nononon oon onn onono nonono NO! Fellowship and picnics and potlucks and food are all very good things that we all enjoy doing. Why do we all enjoy doing it? Because the Lord designed us to like interaction with other human beings. He wants us to get together and talk about things. We need to learn how to get comfortable with one another, that way we can talk about what God is doing in our lives, encourage one another, sort through our struggles, and learn how to love one another as Christ loves us. Yes, God wants us to do something that is SUPPOSED to be fun.

Sorry about that little rant there. I'm just so tired of people not getting it...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Changing Life (or proof that I have no life)

Before you read this blog, I would like to request that you scroll down to the music player at the bottom of my blog, and play the song "Last Words".

Skillet...Selena. Those words are interchangeable. I earned it, every last bit of it. I loved the band Skillet like a, like a, like something you really like. I know all the songs, all the band members, the release dates of all their material, there upcoming projects, everything. But lately, things have been changing.

First of all, I haven't been connecting to the songs like I used to. You have to listen and feel with a band's songs to like them to the extent that I liked Skillet. Second, they were taking a turn in a direction that I didn't like. They were changing, and I was changing, and it didn't work anymore. Lastly, there are other bands out there, one in particular, that are hitting me harder than Skillet has been in these past few months.

I still love Skillet and what they've done for me. I look back at how much I've grown, and it's all due to God, my family, and Skillet. Those were the three things that were always there. But for months, I've been playing with the idea of giving them up, and not being so hard core. I've been trying to avoid this, but it is sort of like having a boyfriend: I don't wanna stop being friends, I just don't wanna "go out" anymore.

Then it all came crashing down with an e-mail I received on Valentines day. My favorite person in the band, one of the only reasons Skillet has made it so far in my opinion, announced that he was leaving the band. That was it for me. Skillet lost something to me, and I had a feeling it wasn't coming back.

Ben Kasica, Former guitarist for Skillet

Why is this such a big deal for me? Well, if you're asking that you never really knew me. See the beginning of this blog.

OK, I know you're all dying to know who my new favorite band is. Now before I say this, even though you've probably already scrolled down, I just wanna say that Skillet always holds a special place in my band heart, and I've vowed to never again have a band that I'm that in love with. This band has not "replaced" Skillet, they've simply moved up in my playlist count.

Thousand Foot Krutch

Oh, wow. This is really emotional for me, I feel silly admiting it. But as a writer I think the best way to impact the reader is to show your true self, and that's what I'm trying to do here. I like Thousand Foot Krutch now.

I want to end this blog with the band that has taken me more places, taught me more things, and pulled me through life's toughest moments: Skillet

See ya Ben (second from left), and I wish you well Skillet, on the path the Lord is taking the band.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I love my readers

I have a lot of people outside of the united states who read my blog. Sometimes I get spam, but otherwise, I think it's awesome to connect with people outside of my country. I hope you all are doing well!

I wanna ask you guys outside of the USA how you heard about my blog. Are you guys seeing it on websites? Recommendations? I would like to reserch it more, and hopefully get more traffic. If you like my blog, spread the word! Facebook it! Tweet it! Whatever you guys do! I love you!

Anyways, thanks ahead of time for the feedback.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Alright so yeah sorry about falling off the face of the earth for a while there. Let's get back to blogging. . .

In that last post, I forgot to mention that I got a GameCube from my dad, clearly the best present I got this year. I'm starting to reach the age where Christmas and birthdays just aren't that fun anymore, like I don't stay up late because I'm so excited about what I might get or what might happen tomorrow. Now I go to bed early on Christmas, thankful that I don't have school the next day and I can just sleep in until Christmas dinner with the family. I am seventeen after all.

Anyways I got a GameCube right, and since it was used it smelled funny and the games were all scratched up. But they worked, and for the first time in my life I finally had a gaming system. Not anything fancy, but still awesome.

I don't need to spend too much time on the games that actually came with the GameCube, because after all I asked for one just so I would have a means of playing The Legend of Zelda. What other video games do you need when you have that one? But the thing is, all the used Zelda games ran anywhere from forty to fifty dollars, and I don't have that kind of money (as if any seventeen year old does). But about two or three weeks after I received my game cube, I walked into Game Stop and saw it there, for only fifteen bucks. So I bought it, took it home, and within the hour, I was hooked.

Take a look at how cute Link is:

Who in their right minds wouldn't want to play as him?? I blogged about this game before, but it really stunk, because I hadn't actually played the game enough to really understand how awesome it is. I completed the whole thing, which I understand takes a certain level of skill and determination, and I only needed help three times. Now I'm working on a special play by play of the entire game in story format, so even you non-video gamers can appreciate the full beauty of this game.