Over the month of July, my family stayed at my grandparent’s house, where we get to watch as much TV as we want. When you don’t have a TV at home (or when the only TV in your house belongs to your grandma and her Spanish novellas) and you suddenly get a TV in your room, you quickly become addicted to the glowing box that makes sounds. Plus, there’s apparently this new thing called HD, which stands for high definition, which makes anything on TV so clear, it’s like you can touch it. Plus TV screens are like, flat.
Anyway, my sister, brother and I mostly watched Disney channel, and that’s how I discovered my new favorite show of all time. The show is called Phineas and Ferb, and it’s awesome. I think it’s supposed to be a kid’s show, but who cares? I love it. The show is a cartoon about these two brothers who have a whole summer to waste on creating inventions that make life easier, or that add some fun and excitement to their boring backyard. And lucky enough for me, I have a whole summer to waste on their show.
Phineas is the younger brother, who comes up with all the ideas and has a triangle head, for some reason. Ferb is the older brother who doesn’t say much, and when he does he always has something really intelligent to say. He also has an English accent which is just awesome.
The boys have a teenage sister named Candace who is bent on busting them in between dates with her boyfriend Jeremy. But right before she gets her mom to come see what crazy thing the boys have built, it always disappears. The boys have many friends, including Baljeet, Buford, and Isabella. Isabella is the leader of a Fireside Girls troop, which is very similar to the girl scouts. She has a crush on Phineas, and is always dragging her troop along to his house to see what he’s doing. Baljeet is Indian, and he’s a nerd who knows everything about everything. Buford is the neighborhood bully who is always picking on Baljeet.
Phineas and Ferb have a pet platypus named Perry who is unknowingly to the boys, also a secret agent. He always disappears toward the beginning of the show to see what the evil villain Dr. Doofinsmirtz is scheming. Doofinsmirtz also invents stuff, but of course, it’s always evil and is meant to somehow help is plot to rule the entire Tri-state area! Parry defeats him before he can succeed. Doofinsmirtz has a teenage daughter who is somewhat Goth. Ferb has a crush on her, and is always looking for ways to impress her with his and Phineas’ inventions.
That’s just a summery of the show, but I highly recommend you go watch it for yourself. I am a huge fan of Ferb. I love how he’s expressionless until something exciting happens, how he wears his pants really high, and his accent is adorable. Not to mention how smart he is when he does talk. If I was a cartoon girl, I would totally have a crush on Ferb.